Weather & water 2024 >>

Big trout

It has been reported 26 big trout 2024, 16 within Ammarnäs FVO and 10 within Kraddsele SFF

The average size is 27 inch and 8,3 pounds

See the 2024 trout in the catch report >>

See the 2023 trout in the catch report >>

See the 2022 trout in the catch report >>

Statistics with graphics for the past 20 years >>

Utdelade pins 2018-2024 >>

Report your big trout and help us with our work for sustainable fishing and better fishing rules

News 2024 >>

Here you will find information about news for the 2024 season.

Info & fishing rules 2024 >>

Here you will find the answers to most questions about your account, booking, payment and catch reporting. Here you can also see the current fishing rules.

Directions >>

Find your way in the area with Google Maps.

Our pins >>

If you catch a large grayling or trout, you will receive a pin, sent to your home, if you report the fish with a picture and update your postal address.

News on Facebook

Ammarnäs FVO >>  &   Kraddsele SFF >>

News 2024 >>

Jun 08 2024: Regarding Payment for Bookings
We are still experiencing some difficulty with our payment system. Therefore, we now offer guests the option to submit payment on site at Emils Fiskekamp in Kraddelse, Ammarnäs Wärdshus or Guide Center in Ammarnäs. Your reservations will not be canceled due to non-payment. We apologize for any inconvenience, Kraddelse and Ammarnäs

Apr 14 2024: It is not possible to pay at the moment
We are in the process of rebuilding our payment system. Your bookings will be given a payment deadline until the 15th of May. The new system will be operational at the end of April 2024. Welcome back at the end of the month or the beginning of May to settle your bookings.

Jan 04 2024: Ammarnäs Nedre
Ammarnäs Nedre has been extended with the missing days from the 15th to the 19th of August. We apologize for the mistake when setting up this years fishing schedule.

Jan 03 2024: Vindel River the 15th to the 25th of August 2024
From the 15th to the 25th of August, the Ammarnäs General permit is valid from 10 AM to 5 PM in the Vindel River, together with Ammarnäs Nedre. This is done to provide good daytime fishing for grayling anglers. After the 25th, only Ammarnäs Nedre is valid because there is more daytime fishing for large trout at that time.

Current booking status on different waters 2024

The badge shows if it is closed or how much is booked today, click on the badge to see who is fishing