
Last updated: 25 Apr 2024 16:33

Measurement date and trend on water levels
Tjulån, inactive | Sjöforsen, inactive | Kraddsele, inactive

Water level

Water temperature

Air temperature, now and last 24 hours
   At 16:30 it was 3,0°C / 37.4°F at Ammarnäs Cell Tower
   Min -6.9°C / 19.5°F and max 3.0°C / 37.4°F last 24h

Air temperature the last 4 weeks (Min-Med-Max)
If there is a big difference between maximum and minimum temperature, it was probably high pressure with falling water and vice versa

Dagens tider
Solens upp- & nedgång: 04:31 - 21:13
Gryning & skymning: 03:18 - 22:26
Solen är idag i zenit: 12:52


Tjulån upstream of the road bridge   The Swedish Transport Administration's road camera

Tjulån downstream of the road bridge   View from the store

Big trout 2024 Catch report >> | Statistics >>

Approved pins 2024 More info

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Apr 14 2024: It is not possible to pay at the moment
We are in the process of rebuilding our payment system. Your bookings will be given a payment deadline until the 15th of May. The new system will be operational at the end of April 2024. Welcome back at the end of the month or the beginning of May to settle your bookings.

Jan 04 2024: Ammarnäs Nedre
Ammarnäs Nedre has been extended with the missing days from the 15th to the 19th of August. We apologize for the mistake when setting up this years fishing schedule.

Jan 03 2024: Vindel River the 15th to the 25th of August 2024
From the 15th to the 25th of August, the Ammarnäs General permit is valid from 10 AM to 5 PM in the Vindel River, together with Ammarnäs Nedre. This is done to provide good daytime fishing for grayling anglers. After the 25th, only Ammarnäs Nedre is valid because there is more daytime fishing for large trout at that time.

Jan 02 2024: Kraddsele SFF
The fishing regulations within Kraddsele SFF have been updated to avoid misunderstandings and individual interpretations of what applies within the area.